Project Results

Work Package 1

  • Curriculum design of the family caregivers through specific skills that can transform a necessity into a professional opportunity. The project aims to improve Digital Competences so the program focus about the use of the digital tools is expected;
  • Generate Digital Competences through the use of Extended Reality immersive experience (Software “in Your Shoes”);
  • Validation of competences acquired thanks to the curriculum;
  • European sharing of experiences, involvement of European specialized organizations that will bring their expertise in designing the caregivers’ curriculum.
Duration: 24 months
Start date: 15 December 2022 / End date: 14 December 2024
Digital Tools for Dementia Family Caregivers
KA220-ADU – Cooperation partnerships in adult education

Work Package 2

Phase n. 1 will have as results the State of Art Frameworks from each partner organization. This

phase will provide a literature analysis of the interventions used in the curriculum design addressed

to family caregivers, identifying the limits and resources of the strategies already used giving partner

organisations important data that will consequentially support the development of the Curriculum


Phase n.2 will have as result the Curriculum Pilot Program of “Digital Tools for Dementia Caregivers”

Curriculum design and content reconstruction are important parts for the successful implementation

of a training course. Aspects as objective of the course, teachers profile, course duration, teaching

methodology and assessment methodology, resources needed, training units will be defined during

the course design.

The Curriculum model will constitute a workload of 5 days distributed over a range of thematic units

and other types of learning formats. In terms of thematic units, “Digital Tools for Dementia

Caregivers” comprises:

– one introductory module about Digital Competences;

– five thematic core modules which include also the one related to the use of innovative

methodologies such as the extended reality software “in Your Shoes”

Work Package 3

Implementation, testing (the curriculum will be tested in Kosovo, Greece, Bulgaria and Italy) and
validation (by the project partners).
This WP includes in particular:

– short term joint staff training mobility will be organized in which the professionals from the
partners organisations involved in the implementation of the curriculum with family caregivers
– Implementation, Testing, Validation and Final Publication is the activity carried out by all partners
that will work together that will produce and exchange documents and reports. The implementation
workshops will involve 50 family caregivers per partner
– Transnational meeting n. 3 in Italy

Work Package 4 - Dissemination and Exploitation Activities

The project partners are in charge of the dissemination of the knowledge about the project during its lifetime, after and the dissemination of results. All the partners will work together in the methodology development, design and implementation of the curriculum, research and creation of new teaching material/model, implementation of training, dissemination of results. 

The dissemination includes construction and maintaining the project web site, facebook, production of newsletters and Multiplier events.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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